Pricing & Other Info
ALL Puppies sold as pets are $2500.00
The puppy form can be found on our "how to apply" page.
**We do not change the price based on coat colours,
but value each pup the same and focus on their temperament match
as the priority over colour of coat.**
We do a number of DNA and Physical health testing (OFA) to make sure you are getting the BEST. We want your newest family member to live a long, happy and healthy life!
So, what do we test for?...
- (PRA-prcd)
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration
- OFA - Hips & Elbows
- We check hips and elbows for dysplasia and send off to the Orthopedic Foundation
- ( EIC)
- Exersice-Induced Collapse
- ( DM )
- Degenerative Myelopathy
- ( IC )
- Hair furnishings to ensure desirable coats for allergy friendly, non-shedding family pets & therapy dogs.
- ( vWD Type 1)
- von Willebrands Disease
- OFA-Cardiac
- Heart
- OFA - Patellar Luxation
- Knees, kneecaps
- OFA - Eyes
- Eye's, this testing is performed by an Opthamologist
When it comes to dogs in general and disease or other conditions, there is a very long list of possibilities out there one could potentially test for. But are they relevant to every breed?
The testing we do is based off of the recommendations set forth by the Parent breed club of the ALCA, to specifically test for conditions or disease that could be an issue for the Australian Labradoodle. The purpose of this testing is to not further breed these possible conditions with the knowledge that is gained.
Along with this, the DNA lab that we choose to work with has also added to the list of recomended DNA testing, "Hyperericosuria" as they have seen this pop up in some lines of the ALD. As DNA testing is continually developing in what we can test for, we see conditions such as this pop up that we are able to add to our list, and thus hopefully, breed away from.
Hyperuricosuria is an inherited disorder characterized by elevated levels of uric acid in the urine that can lead to the formation of bladder/kidney stones.
*All our lines have been clear of this condition in testing*.

A labor of love...
Puppies and moms, need alot of love, care and understanding in the early weeks of life. We give them every ounce we can while they are here with us. Whether its 10am playtime to 3AM feedings. We are right there ready to offer them what they are needing in the moment. Empowering them thru obstacles and not enabling them in their fears.
*As they were originally bred to be, some of our puppers are going on to become full certified therapy & medical alert dogs. Which is just awesome to see! :)

Reserving a puppy...

When you reserve or purchase one of our puppies you will receive a two year written guarantee against genetic issues that would affect the quality of your pet's life. We are here to help you for as long as you need us!
We have chosen to breed predominantly small and medium size Authentic Australian Labradoodles. (Meaning, our lines come from Australia)
Our dogs are raised in our home as members of the family, but we also use the puppy rearing curriculum program of the Empowered Badass Breeder. This helps develop their personalities in anticipation of becoming a valued and well balanced pet for the family or companion for the single, and even some who save lives by becoming a medical alert and response service companions.

Your new puppy will be;
~ Vet checked with health certificate & have the age appropriate core vaccinations for a 9 week old puppy.
~ We also regularly fecal test our puppies and treat them accordingly.
~ They will be microchipped by the vet
~ Come home with a 30 day Trial Pet Insurance with Trupanion,
~ A 2yr Genetic Health Guarantee,
~A Complimentary one month free subscription to the Dunbar Training Academy
~ Puppy Go Home Kit (Full tote of food, blankie & stuffy with mom and littermate scent on it, harness, collar, leash, grooming comb, toys, treats, seasonal items they may need etc - Value $100. and a puppy handbook and reference guide),
~ & finally, a Lifetime of Support from me, their first human mum and breeder, I am a part of your package.
With a passion for continued education in all things dog, I am hear to offer my knowledge, but also to help with the transition of your new puppy from my hands to yours.
We also offer a continued connection in our private Littermates FB group with other pawrents of our puppies. We luv and enjoy seeing our puppies and their families connect and share life with their doods.
The cost of care?...
We realize this puppy represents a significant investment by the pet owner. When searching for the right breeder for you and your family, we ask that you also compare the entire breeding program and what is offered for the "price". Its about more than just the puppy being itself.
When you look into our program, you'll hopefully see the difference. The genetic and physical health testing, the selective pairing of our parent dogs, the housing, the species appropriate nutrition for Mum, Sire AND pup, the way in which our puppies are whelped thru to the daily imprinting and curriculum over the course of their nine weeks here with us. There is alot of work and expense that goes into our puppies. It is a labour of love for us but there are costs in owning any dog, or pet for that matter. So it only stands to reason that when looking at the "price", one should look at the program and where those puppies are coming from.
*Price does not include transportation costs, please contact us for rates if that would apply.
For more info...
Please contact us with any questions or concerns, we love to talk about our dogs.
We require a $500. non-refundable Reservation Fee along with a signed agreement to reserve/hold a puppy. When you call to chat, our machine will get to you first, please hold the line as I will be on my way getting thru excited dogs, that you've called.
The Authentic ALD, a pure breed in development... How exciting!!!
After 40+ years, the gene pool for authentic Australian Labradoodles has reached the numbers required to be recognized as a true pure breed. Now having offspring of the 4th generation or higher in the ALCA's data registry. The ALCA has achieved this status for the Truly Authentic Australian Labradoodles. It is only through the careful selection for breeding that the exceptional qualities of the true Australian Labradoodle will be maintained.
What makes them "true/authentic"? Lines on BOTH sides of the pedigree must go all the way back to Australia to the two breeders who developed this wonderful little breed.
Though we loved our F1 Labradoodles, they were NOT a part of our breeding program for the Australian Labradoodle.
Once again, we do not breed F1 or F2 American Labradoodles as we feel the size, coat, and non allergenic traits are not consistent in these early breedings. There are those who feel breeding back to a parent breed, such as the poodle, for an f1b will better guarantee these results. This pairing is basically taking the offspring back towards a poodle. Plus, for the Australian Labradoodle, there is a third breed that was infused into the mix when they were being developed. The traits of the cocker spaniel in temperaments, stature and even coats, is lacking in the f1 types. This is a big part of what makes the ALD so unique and special.
****Buyer beware as well***, there are some out there crossing ALD's to F1b's and calling this an AL3multigen - translation, a third generation australian labradoodle. This is not a 3rd generation ALD. But rather a new foundation (f1) of the new cross in its offspring.
If you are searching for a true Australian Labradoodle, both parents must be an ALD and have a pedigree that shows they are of the 4th generation or more.